Thursday, March 09, 2006

Day 4... depression sets in...

I'm one of those people who knows the right thing to do, but I just don't do it often enough. I know I shoud be getting out of the house and doing things rather than sitting here feeling sorry for myself. but, that's what i am doing. I haven't found a job yet that really excited me. the first one I interviewed for was was pretty ood. I liked it. but I din't get it. This morning I got a call from my old boss saying that Davis Tool call to check my references. Then i got a call from my other boss saying the same thing. it looks like things are moving forward with this job.

i jsut watched The Weather Man with Nicholas Cage. Not a Hollywood ending. It didn't help my mood. But when it was over, i came back to the computer to check my email and I got one from the other job i am in the running for. He said they want to make me an offer, can i come in on Monday and talk with them. Well, I should be happy! Excited!

I'm not. This is the same kind of job I have been doing for the past 6 years. The same job I was bored out of my mind doing. It will be different, I'll be learning and building a new product, but after 6 months, when i get everything learned, I'm afraid i'll be bored again. I think they will offer me the smae salary i had before, the Davis Tool job will be less. i can try to bump them up to my level, but I don't know how that will work. Plus the hours are really weird there. maybe I could get used to it, but I don't know.

Mom is getting that concerned look in her eyes again. She is worried that I am gtting depressed. I try to put on a happy show when I'm there, but I am not as convincing as I used to be.

i don't even want to think about money. I have $4.00 left, and I won't get a check until at least a week from now. I paid the rent, but not the car payment. I have been putting off calling them. I really should before they call me. Tomorrow.

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