Tuesday, March 07, 2006

I Finally Did It...

I just got back from the gym ! !!! I know I said I was going to go yesterday, but I didn't. I didn't plan on going today either. I got up at 9:00, played on the web for a while and ate breakfast. Then I had to wait for breakfast to settle and about 10:30, I decided to go to the gym or back to sleep. I chose back to sleep. I woke up at 12:30, feeling depressed because I didn't have anything to do. Of course I have lots to do, but nothing fun. I have clothes to wash and fold (I never fold them or put them away). But on a whim, out of nowhere, I got dressed and picked up my gym bag and walked out the door. I didn't think about it long enough to talk myself out of it. I didn't have lunch and I have to be aware of my blood sugar level, so i had half a Cliff before I went in.

I used a new machine today, I really like it. It has a timer on it, and i was just praying that I got to 20 minutes. HA! I made it to 30 minutes, plus a cool down. And... the best part... I didn't feel like I was dieing. And i didn't have to go get sick afterwards either. And, my mood is way way way better thatn before I went. I know people say that, but they could just be saying that to trick you into going to the gym. I'm a glass is half empty kind of guy.

I'm going to call the boys now that I can do it earlier.

No news on the job front, I did put in my claim for unemployment today. hopefully I will get a check next week.


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