Friday, June 02, 2006


You know the Woo guy, there's one at every concert. Just stands there and screams WOOOOOO. Well, that's what I feel like right now. I know it's still early, but I had a great time tonight. ALL BY MYSELF!!! WOOOOO. The boys are having dinner with their mom and her family tonight, so I had a few hours of alone time. Instead of sitting in front of the computer or TV like normal, I decided early this morning that I would go out to CC Slaughters after work and have a couple of drinks before I have to be walk home.

Normally this would have been the plan until the time to actually do it, then i would have chickened out. I don't like going alone BUT, i did go, by myself. And I had a good time. Andrew was there serving drinks, and I tried an apple martini for the first time. It was horrible. I only finished=shed half of it before I couldn't take anymore. By then i had a buzz on. Andrew gave me my next drink on the house, he is so nice. Then he made me a Water Moccasin. (sp) All I remember is it has orange juice and I think pineapple juice. It was good, and I became impaired. I played the video game and watched the porn and sat on the bar stool and had a good time. I spoke with a couple of guys. The last guy's name was Jeff also, he is 46. i suck at telling ages, I would have guessed my age, 36 at the most. I told him that and he asked me to marry him. HA! Then he said I looked about 29. I almost said yes to his proposal.

I just can't believe how comfortable I am now going into a gay bar and just sitting. Even by myself.. It's like I have been captured by the pod people. Who the fuck am I? God, it is so liberating. I totally want to move into the city now. There's no holding me back now. I just want to find a place within walking distance to the bar, so i don't have to drive. That would be nice. I swear, next time I go on Tuesday, I am ready to sing kareoke.

I missed Toddy though, although I'm sure he will be proud of me going on my own.

Bye Bye...

p.s. I hate that the spell check on this thing doesn't work. I normally couldn't post so many errors, but i assume that if your reading my blog, you have the intelligence to understand my meaning, if not my words. :)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Oh, that post made me so happy!

Don't worry, though, I'll be around to hang out with you next time. Just let me know when you want to go.