Sunday, May 07, 2006

lazy Sunday

Don't you just love lazy Sundays? (as opposed to all the other days when I am lazy :) ) I told my bosses at my other job that I would be in to work today, but I didn't and still don't feel like going. I will tell them there was some family emergency that I had to take car of and offer to work Tuesday night. I am going to have to tell them i don't want to work there anymore. I've tried being subtle, but it's not working. I'm goiing to have to say the words I quit.

I spent yesterday helping my brother install the new kitchen and bathroom cabinets he built into an apartment. We have done this before and wil hopefully again. It is a fun way to spend the day. We have to take out all the old cupboards, sometimes they come out easy, sometimes not. Yesterday my othe brother was there too and my nephew Phil, who is 11, and Phil got to do all the demolishing. We brought out all the cabinets to the parking lot, and gave him a hammer and let him go. What 11 year old boy wouldnt love that kind of destruction.

Then we put in the new cupboards that my brother built and hooked everything back up. All in all, a good day. i am really tired today though. I think I got enough sleep, maybe it was just doing something physical yesterday that made me tired today. Plus, I just ate dinner and i'm not tired anymore. AT ALL! I have a sudden burst of energy. Not enought o get up and do anything. Let's not get crazy here.

I was going to go to CC Slaughters today, but I don't feel like it. I'm not too scared like before, just not in the mood for a bar.

I saw MI:3 on Friday. I liked it. There was a great death scene in it (at least to me it was great). The DaVinci Code is coming soon. I am ready to see that too. I think I'm done for today....

Here are some pics of what I want. I want to be in someones arms. I will get it someday...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jeff, that is where it is at. i know you will find the right guy. Hey, thanks for lettin me know where your blog was.