Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Good morning...

Ok, it's the next day now and I am feeling much better. I am optomistic about the day and looking forward to going out tonight. If Toddy isn't up for it, I plan on going by myself anyway.

I was going to start out appologizing for last nights post, but it was true and how I was feeling at the time. I hate those days, I hope they go away and never come back.

I need something to do to fill my empty time. I wouldn't mind volunteering for something, but I don't know what. I think I would prefer it to be involved in the gay community. But I don't want to only consider that. I'm sure there a lot of places that need help that aren't in the gay category.

I'll share something else with you. It's another one of my deep dark secrets. I would love to get involved in a theater group. I have always wanteds to do that, but for some reason I have shame associated with it. Why? How fucked up is that? But it's out now. I've said it. I would like to be involved with a theater group. Maybe just helping in the background, setting up stages or stuff like that. But eventually, as I grow more confident with myself, I would love to be on stage. It is so wierd to actually write this down. My desire for the entertainment lifestyle is on par with my homosexuality. I have kept it in the closet for ever. This is really the first time I have told anyone about. Ever.

See... I am in a better mood!

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