Monday, August 07, 2006


Now that it’s the next day, and I’m sober again, I am a little bit disappointed with my decision to drive home last night. I shouldn’t have done that. It has been a long, long time since I was inebriated as I was yesterday. I’m also not too sure about drunk blogging. It may not be a wise choice either. I knew I was still drunk when I went to bed last night because as I was laying there waiting for sleep to come, I was singing “King of the Road” and then “Delta Dawn” to my cat. The bed wasn’t spinning, but the window was open and I wasn’t being too quiet. Ha, fuck the neighbors, they’ve kept me up late more than once. Then I woke up at 1:00 and couldn’t go back to sleep until after 3:00. (I still felt drunk btw) Now I’m at work and while I’m not hung over, I am overly tired and sluggish. Ah well, tonight I will sleep better.

I know I said yesterday what a great time I had, but I want to reiterate something here. As I am looking back on what transpired yesterday, I realize that I don’t know the last time I actually let my guard down all the way, and was just myself, without any thought of the other people around me. This is what I have been searching for. Longing for. Todd and his group of friends accepting into their fold the way they have is so wonderful. I remember the more that I drank, the more I told Loren about the cute guys there. I kept saying I love him and pointing out different guys. She just laughed and agreed with me. It is so strange to actually speak out loud about liking guys and to have no weirdness associated with it.

I just had a really good time, and I can’t remember the last time that happened to me. I feel very happy right now.

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