Monday, August 28, 2006


It’s done; I officially gave my notice to vacate my apartment by the end of September. Now…. The question is… where to go??? Of course my initial response is to move into the city into a small studio or 1 bedroom apartment. I have even looked at a couple. But the practical part of me (albeit a very small part) knows I need some time to catch up. My brother is buying a travel trailer for camping by next weekend. His wife and him have offered to let me stay in it rent free for a few months to try and catch up financially. Realistically, this is what I need to do. I don’t want to. I don’t want to lean on my family any more than I already have. But if I were to move into another apartment right away, I would be able to afford it, but I wouldn’t be able to also pay back some of the money I have had to borrow over the past few months. I really need to do that. Of course, my mom says not to worry about it, but I do. You have to pay your own way. So that’s what I think I will do. I’ve always been a little trashy, now I’m going to be full blown trailer trash.

There has been something else on my mind recently. I need to get laid. I have been celibate long enough. I’m not quite sure how to put out the vibe that I’m ready though. I’m not really a “first move” maker. I will attack on the second move, but I don’t really initiate the contact. So how do I let guys know I’m willing and ready? Should I show up at CC’s in a banana hammock? Maybe write fuck me across my forehead? Maybe I should just stand up and announce to the room that I’m ready.

Any hints or pointer would be great…

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If all you want to do is get laid. No feeling. No emotion. Go to the bath house. That's it's primary, only function.