Thursday, February 09, 2006

It's cold in here...

I sit in a backroom at the new place and do my work. All the nice offices in the front are heated very well, so well that they have to turn down the heat. But it gets cold in the back. They don't notice very often. Sometimes I have to wear my coat! Unbelievable! I keep forgetting to bring a sweatshirt. The previous bithcing was sarcastic. I don't think that comes across as intended. But it is cold here. My nipples are going to cut a hole in my shirt. That's a great title, I should have used that.

I'm in a good mood. Still haven't heard anything on the job front. Somehow I feel that things will work out. As long as I get enough unemployment to cover the bills.

I'm just about out of things to do here. I still have the rest of the month to go. I'm not sure what they want me to do. I can't stretch out the work, that's not right. So I build as fast as always, and now I'm out of work. I'm trying to find stuff to keep busy.

I gotta pee...

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